Card Sleeve Japanese Size
Dragon Shield 60 - Standard Deck Protector Sleeves - Tangerine (Sol) - AT-10730
Clear front & Tangerine back. Light a spark and set fire to the game. Classic is the original Dr..
Dragon Shield 60 - Standard Deck Protector Sleeves - Night Blue - AT-10742
Details: • 60 sleeves per box • For cards measuring up to 63x88 mm (2.5" x 3.5") • PVC-free polyp..
Dragon Shield 60 - Standard Deck Protector Sleeves - Matte White (Eternis) - AT-11205
Clear front & White back. Crisp and pure as the driven snow.Matte sleeves are our popular line of te..
Dragon Shield 60 - Standard Deck Protector Sleeves - Matte Sky (Blue 'Notos) - AT-11219
Clear front & Sky Blue back. Like high noon on a summer day.Matte sleeves are our popular line of te..
Dragon Shield 60 - Standard Deck Protector Sleeves - Matte Purple (Mefitas) - AT-11209
Clear front & Purple back. Metallic luxury in the palm of you hand. Opaque.Matte sleeves are our pop..
Dragon Shield 60 - Standard Deck Protector Sleeves - Matte Pink (Calista) - AT-11212
Clear front & Pink back. Compassion personified. Matte sleeves are our popular line of textured Drag..
Dragon Shield 60 - Standard Deck Protector Sleeves - Matte Olive(Peah) - AT-11240
STREET DATE AUGUST 7th 2020 Go Green or Go Home. Clear front and crisp olive back. As tasty as a..
Dragon Shield 60 - Standard Deck Protector Sleeves - Matte Crimson (Logi) - AT-11221
Clear front & Matte Crimson back. The royal flames of duty and honor. Matte sleeves are our pop..
Dragon Shield 60 - Standard Deck Protector Sleeves - Matte Black (Wanderer) - AT-11202
Clear front & Black back. Opaque. Ready for combat. Matte sleeves are our popular line of textur..
Dragon Shield 60 - Standard Deck Protector Sleeves - Matte Apple Green (Melanian) - AT-11218
Clear front & Apple Green back. Crispy and fresh taste of spring and youth. Matte sleeves are o..
Dragon Shield 60 - Japanese size Deck Protector Sleeves - Matte White - AT-11105
Japanese-size sleeves for card games like Yu-Gi-Oh! 60 sleeves per box. Dragon Shield sleeves are de..
Dragon Shield 60 - Japanese size Deck Protector Sleeves - Matte Black - AT-11102
Japanese-size sleeves for card games like Yu-Gi-Oh! 60 sleeves per box. Dragon Shield sleeves are de..
Dragon Shield 60 - Deck Protector Sleeves - Japanese size White - AT-10605
Clear front & White back. Light and pristine.The box contains 60 sleeves, and will replace the forme..
Dragon Shield 60 - Deck Protector Sleeves - Japanese size Sky Mint - AT-10625
Clear front & Mint back. Aromatic and intoxicating.The box contains 60 sleeves, and will replace the..
Dragon Shield 60 - Deck Protector Sleeves - Japanese size Sky Blue - AT-10619
Clear front & Sky Blue back. Like high noon on a summer day. The box contains 60 sleeves, and..